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Sumatra is the western island of Indonesia to the west Sunda Island. It is the largest island in Indonesia and the 6th largest island in the world. With 473.481 km2 with population 50,365,538 people and it has 10 Provinces which is Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, Bengkulu, Jambi, Lampung, Riau, Bangka Belitung, Bengkulu West Sumatra, South Sumatra and North Sumatra.

1. Iboih Beach

Pantai Iboih lebih dari Pantai Virgin di Bali
credit from http://atjehliterature/blogspot.com

Teupin Layeu that is how this place been called, located in the west part of Indonesia named Aceh. This beach has become one of the best destination to visit in Indonesia. Iboih Beach has white sand with blue azzure water, covered with row of green trees makes this beach has calm and relaxing atmosphere.

credit from www.skyscraper.com

This Beach also offer you the beauties of underwater life with various of coral reef and fishes, and this place is one of best destination for snorkling and diving. The tragedy tsunami in year 2004 did not affect this beach because the location hidden by Rubiah Island. And Near By Iboih Beach there is small mountain with waterfalls and a cave house of thousand of bats, birds and snakes, the part called Ukong Murong.

Pantai Iboih
credit from www.kabartop.com


 credit from www.galeriwisata.wordpress.com 

Appointed as worlds lung which is established as National Park in year 1980 by Indonesia Government and as worlds heritage by UNESCO in year 2004.
This Park is blessed with diverty of ecosystem. This tropical rain forest is a home for some of endangered species such forest cat, Sumatra tiger, Orang Utan, Rangkong, forest goat, sumatra elephant and many more.Rare plants like Ara Trees, A giant Flower Rhizanthes Zippelnii or Rafflesia also can be seen here.

There are some part to visit in this park:

1. Gurah, in this part you can see a beautiful green valley with waterfalls and hot water source and many of species such as orang utan, species of butterflies or giant flower rafflesia arnoldi.      

 credit from culure-tourism-indonesia.blogspot.com

2. Bohorok, this is Orang utan reserved center

3. Kluet, the home for sumatran tiger

4. Ketambe and Suak is the reserach center for all of species in this mountain.

5. Leuser  Mountain  with 3.404 m. above sea level and  Kemiri Mountain 3.314 m. above sea level.

6.Alas River, when you like adventure activity then this river is good recommendation to visit, because here you can do river rafting

credit from aweaceh.blogspot.com                                                                




credit from www.medanmagazine.com

Toba Lake located in the north of Sumatra Island. This lake is c eated from supervolcano explotion around 73000-75000 years ago. According to the experts the explotipn has occured dor a week and the ashes spreaded to the west broght by the wind until cina and south afrika. This explotion caused extiction of human until 60 % and began the ice age. The explotion also created an island which we call samosir island, which created  “hot di hot di from mature magma which had been pulled up together with the explotion.

credit from www.deflik.com

This lake is 62 mi long, 92 mi wide,  1657 mi deep with 440 mi surface area, and water volume 58 cu mi and surface elevation is 2969 feet. The people who live near by this area mostly are etchnically bataks and ethnic batak has very interesting custom house. This house for bataks people has very valuable meaning, not just a house but this house also symbolized human life's rules
credit from www.tripadvisor.co.id

4.Sipiso - piso Waterfalls 

 credit from www.liburanwisata.com

This waterfalls is not faraway from toba lake, there is sipiso piso waterfalls. Sipiso piso comes from piso which has meaning knife because of the water flow of this waterfalls is very strong  and the the flow's line is sharp as if its a knife.This waterfalls is very interesting, due to the locataion which is surround by green pine  trees and lie in 800 m above sea level.And it has 120 height, people needs to walk down to the bottom of waterfalls and near by there is Tongging village.In Tongging village available many of guest houses and there are alot of tourist attractions such as swimming in the lake, visit a small waterfalls near by sipiso piso called Sidompak or do hiking in the sipiso piso mountain. Or you can going around from 1 village to other village by bicycle and paragliding from sipiso piso mountain.
                                   credit from flickr.com

5.    2 Colors Waterfalls

                             credit from journeyindonesia.blogdetik.com

It is Located in Deli Serdang This Waterfalls also known as Telaga Bitu Sibolangit Waterfalls. It has 75 meter height and situated  in 1475 above sea level.  It called as 2 colors due the water color blue azzure and light grey. This waterfalls created from the explotion of Sibayak Mountain. And it is very unteresting place to visit since this waterfalls lies surrounded by green tropical forest, which is good to relax and leave the bustling city for a moment.


harau valley credit from www.detik.travel.com

Padang  known as Ranah Minang  can not be missed to visited when we go to west sumatra. aside of the beauties of the place but this is also home for the most deliousious dish in the world according to CNN Go in facebook from 35000 votes , named Rendang, made from meat cooks with coconut and some of seasoning which cook at least 6-8 hours and the taste is spicy. This dish is " the must be presented dish"  in every occasion. This dish  is also very popular in the country therefore can be found around of corner in Indonesia

credit from http://belajarindonesia45.blogspot.com

This Place has many of beautiful sceneries to see such as Ngarai Sianok, Harau Valley, Anai Valley where those place have many of waterfalls and home for some ape species.

7. Bukittinggi

Bukittinggi has become pne of tourist destination Sumtra because of the location of this place which lies in the crossing part from east, north and south Sulawesi. It situated surrounded by mountains Singgalang, Merapi, Sago.  One of the Landmark here is Gadang Clock

2011 jamgadang 2 cropped.jpg 
credit from wikipedia.com 

Jam Gadang or Gadang clock built in year 1926 spent 3000 Gulden by RookMaker for The Dutch Queen when the Nederlandische Goverment conquered this place.The Architec of this Clock is Yazid Abidin (Angku Acik). The clock's components is the same as the Big Ben components in London and those only 2 available in this world.

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