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Banten and Jakarta

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  1. Banten

Its capital is serang and one of well known historical object is 10 km from serang where we can find remaining of Islamic Banten Kingdom which found  in 16 – 18 century.

Baduy Villages
 credit from praduwiratna.wordpress.com
 credit from http://umpungeng.blogspot.com

The Baduy or badui call them self Kanekes, the original tribe who live in Banten. They speak Sundanese and the population is 400 people which is consist of 40 families kajeroan who live in 3 villages, they are Cibeo, Cikertawana, Cikeunsik ( the forbidden territory where no strangers permitted to spend night there ). At Baduy Village you can explore the fascinating natural sceneries with lush of forest. You can make pictures with people in outer Baduy who more tolerant with stranger rather than Baduy Inner ( Inner Baduy )

Carita Beach 
 credit from www.pantai.org

credit from meja-kotak.blogspot.com

At this white sandy beach and Krakatau Mountain view shelthered by rows of trees, you can mingle with your family or friend for swimming, sun bathing, banana boat riding, jet skiing or some other beach activities.

Ujung Kulon National Park
credit from www.rhonoresoucecenter.com

credit from http://linda247.blogspot.com
 This is the last sanctuary of the Javan Rhinos. This is the largest remaining lowland tropical rainforest ecosystem in West java. This Place has apporximately 450 acres,  and since year 1992 has been devoted as Natural World Heritage Site by UNESCO

Karang Bolong Beach

 credit from www.wisata.kompasian.com

credit from www.indonesia.travel.com

credit from www.flickr.com

If you want to relax and far from bustling life, this is a good getaway to tried. While pampered by calming atmosphere, you can heard waves sound crack the rock coral.

2. Jakarta

This is the capital of Indonesia. A big metropolitan city , most densed populated city in Indonesia. Many shopping points in Jakarta, from high classy mall such as Plaza Senayan, Plaza Indonesia until wholesale trade center such as Mangga Dua or Tanah Abang. Jakarta has a long history since it has become the center of mobilitation since long time ago. That’s why, you will find history’s heritages such as :

A. Old Batavia
credit from www.membervirtualtourist.com

Jewel of Asia or Queen of the East, that was how this named by the Dutch. Some historical sites and building stand still as history’s wistness of this country.
Old Batavia was the old main port of Sunda Kingdom of Padjajaran. Then the old port now only accommodate pinisi or a traditional wooden sailing ship which serving island freight service in archipelago.

 Beos Station / Stasiun jakarta

credit from http:muhammadsoleh.blogspot.com


Fatahillah Square

    credit from jakartaeyes.blogspot.com

Toko Merah


credit from mondasiregar.wordpress.com

It was built in 1730 as Dutch Colonial Landmark, the red color building has contributed to its name “ Merah “ and one of famous guest  who had ever visited was Vise Admiral William Bligh  ( 9 September 1757 – December 1917 ) he was an officer of Royal Navy and a colonial administrator.

Zion Church

 credit from travel.detik.com

credit from tripadvidor.in

 credit from itoptrip.com

This is the oldest remaining church in Jakarta which build in 1695 and known as Portuguese outer church or De Nieuwe Portugueeche Buitenkerk

B. Kepulauan Seribu Thousands Islands

 credit from traveller.web.id

 credit from jakarta.panduanwisata.com

 credit from jakartacity.olx.xo.id

credit from indonesia-asia-holiday.com

 This thousands island is cluster of Islands located northern of Jakarta Bay. It has 342 Island included sand islands and vegetated or unvegetated coral. The sand island  and coral reel are totally 158 but not all island is inhabted. The idyllic thousands islands are in fact  a marine nature conservatory area. The ocean of this Islands is rich with sea biota species such us coral reef, about 144 fish species, 2 species of giant clam, sea worms with various color and 17 species of coastal birds.
This place is also hatching site for hawaksbill turtles, the endangeres species. The island ringed by coconut palms trees and mangrove forest where iguana, golden ring snakes and phytons can be found.

The Island like Pramuka Island, Semak Daun Kelapa island and Panggang Island are turtles breeding’s place also as animal observations and marine tours. Kotok Island which famous which still natural with clean sea water is a site for Elang Bondol, one of endangered species in Indonesia .If you go to the northern side of Thousands Island to the Puteri Island, you will meet beaches with soft white sand, underwater aquarium, a mini zoological garden and also this place for swimming, diving and other interesting activities.Onrust Island  and Bidadari Island Onrust Island was the headquarter of Dutch Colonial. Therefore you will see old building characterized colonial building.Meanwhile Bidadari Island which known as Sick Island was a hospital which built by Dutch as Leprosy Hospital.

C. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

credit from wikimedia.org

credit from skyscrapercity.com

This is a culture park which represented Indonesia. This park is built resemble Indonesia as Archipelago Island. Therefore, here you will see  Indonesia in a small construction. All Island in Indonesia has been resembled here, with their unique characteristic and diversity of cultures.
 credit from haringlakbay.com

D. The National Monument

credit from nickbaines.wordpress.com

 credit from nakarasido.com
 credit from allsantay.blogspot.com
This  monument symbolized the freedom fight for Indonesia. This monument is
433ft ( 132 m) situated in the centre of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta. In the outer yard surrounding Monas, you can see reliefs of Indonesia History. The story began during Singasari and Majapahit empires period. This relief extend along the four walls showing European colonialization of the Indonesia Archipelago, various popular local uprising, modern Indonesia organization in the early 20th century. The Japanese Occupation during World War II, then The Proclamation of Indopendence and post Independence developments. The Relief made from molded cement although several, but unfortunately some statues are damaged due to the weather.

E. The Grand Istighlal Mosque
 credit from wikipedia.org

 This is the largest mosque in Jakarta. Opened for the first time by 1st President Indonesia, Soekarno on 22nd of February 1978

F. Jakarta’s Neo Gothic roman Catholic Cathedral
 credit from colorfulindonesia.blogspot.com

 credit from flickr.com
This Cathedral situated right across to Grand Mosque Istiglal. It was called Waterloo Square or Waterlooplein. Behind this Cathedral there is Catholic Girls School of Santa Urdula was established in the order of Sancta Ursula since 1857.


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