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     Word of Indonesia came from roman word Indus means Hindia, and Nesos from greek means Island. Indonesia means island in hindia. In year 1850, a British ethnologist Georg Earl is the one who suggested to name Indunesia dan Nelayunesia  for hindia or melayu resident, then his disciple James Richardson Logan used Indonesia for the synonim of hindia island, unfortunatelyy Dutch academics writing in East Indies publications were reluctant to use Indonesia.They used the terms Malay Archipelago (Maleische Archipel); the Netherlands East Indies (Nederlandsch Oost IndiĆ«), popularly IndiĆ«; the East (de Oost); and Insulinde. Adolf Bastian in his book Indonesien oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipels, year 1884–1894  who popularized Indonesia for the first time and followed by Indonesian scholar Suwardi Suryaningrat ( Ki Hajar Dewantoro ),when he established a press bureau in the Netherlands with the name Indonesisch Pers-bureau in 1913.

        Indonesia lies between 11◦ S and 6◦ N latitudes and longitudes 95 ◦ E and 141 E, it accros the equator, located between australia and asia continent, between pasific and hindia ocean, consist of 17,508 islands which 6000 are inhabited. All the islands scattered around equator. At 1.919.440 square kilometers   (741,050 square meters). Known as Archipelago Country with more over 238 million people, Indonesia has offers us diversity of cultures heritages and has around 300 ethnic group which influenced by Indian, Arabian, Chinese and European cultures.

         Nature of Indonesia as tropical weather and archipelago geopraphy has contributed of biodiversity the second largest in the world known as Indomalaya or Malesia according to the research, Indonesia has 12 % mammals, 16 % reptiles, 25 % fish, 17% birds and 10% plants. The wildlife from Sumatra tiger, Java Rhino, komodo lizard, Orang utan and other unique creatures with stunning variety of plants such Rafflesia flower and then added with amazing beaches and thick green rain forests. Indonesia has become one best of tourist destinations. 



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